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The Challenge of Finding the Right Marketing Talent for Alternative Investment Sponsors 
In the fast-paced and highly specialized field of alternative investments, finding the right marketing talent can be a formidable challenge. The unique demands of this sector require not only a deep understanding of marketing principles...
Leveraging Case Studies to Showcase Your Firm’s Success 
Conveying the value and expertise of your firm can be a challenge. One of the most effective ways to illustrate your firm’s capabilities and successes is through well-crafted case studies. At Marketing Intent, we’ve seen...
Rethinking Your Marketing Focus: It’s About Your Audience, Not Just Your Firm 
Is your marketing all about your firm? It shouldn’t be. We’ve noticed lately that marketing isn’t focused on the target audience, but rather on the firm creating it. It’s critical for marketing efforts to resonate...

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Wondering how to help your firm and offerings stand out positively? Our insights can help. Subscribe now and receive a copy of our report, “How Advisors Evaluate Sponsors on Marketing and Communications.” This report will help you learn what advisors look for when choosing alternative investment partners.

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