Marketing Management Offering Materials

Strategic Marketing Planning for Your Next Fund Launch 

Launching a new fund in the alternative investment space is an exciting venture, but it can quickly become overwhelming without a solid marketing strategy in place. Often, firms rush to market without the necessary marketing groundwork, leading to a host of challenges that could have been avoided. Here’s a closer look at why comprehensive marketing planning is crucial and how it can dramatically improve your fund’s launch and ongoing success. 

The Pitfalls of Insufficient Marketing Preparation 

Imagine a scenario where an alternative investment firm is eager to launch a new fund. In their rush, they quickly cobble together basic marketing materials—perhaps a basic website and a brief PowerPoint presentation. As the fund kicks off and the sales team begins to engage with potential investors, it becomes painfully clear that these materials are inadequate. They fail to compellingly tell the story behind the offering or explain the complexities of the fund, which are critical in the alts sector. 

The Consequences of Underprepared Marketing Efforts 

When the foundational marketing materials miss the mark, the repercussions are immediate: 

  • The sales team struggles to use these materials effectively, resulting in poor communication of the fund’s value proposition – and a negative first impression. 
  • Potential advisors and investors remain unclear about the unique benefits of the fund, leading to a lack of interest and commitment. 
  • Ultimately, the firm finds it challenging to raise the necessary capital, forcing them to go back to the drawing board to revamp their marketing approach, losing time and money. 

Why Start Marketing Early? 

The key to a successful fund launch lies in proactive and strategic marketing planning. Starting your marketing efforts six months to a year before the actual launch gives you ample time to: 

  • Develop Comprehensive Materials: Ensure that every piece of marketing content, from your website to investor brochures, is polished, professional, and strategically aligned with your fund’s and firm’s objectives. 
  • Tell a Compelling Story: Focus on crafting a narrative that resonates with potential advisors and investors, clearly articulating the opportunities and advantages of investing in your fund. 
  • Test and Refine: With enough lead time, you can test your marketing messages and refine them based on feedback, ensuring that your launch will have the impact you desire. 

How Marketing Intent Can Help 

At Marketing Intent, we specialize in helping firms like yours prepare for a successful fund launch. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities within the alternative investment sector and provide tailored marketing solutions that make your offerings stand out. Our services include: 

  • Development of High-Quality Marketing Materials: From in-depth offering brochures to interactive websites, we ensure that every touchpoint with potential advisors and investors is engaging and informative. 
  • Strategic Storytelling: We help you articulate your “why”—the reason your fund exists and why it matters to your target investors. 
  • Timeline and Project Management: We assist in planning and executing your marketing activities with precision, ensuring everything is ready well before your launch. 

The lesson is clear: never go to market without a solid marketing plan.

Doing so not only undermines the potential success of your fund but also impacts your firm’s reputation and future growth prospects. If you’re planning to launch a new fund, reach out to us at Marketing Intent, and let’s craft a marketing plan that truly speaks to advisors and investors and maximizes your fund’s capital-raising potential. 

Copywriting Offering Materials

Why Custom Marketing Matters: Beyond the Template 

When marketing alternative investments, standing out from the crowd is not just about having good marketing materials. It’s about having marketing materials that tell your unique story in a compelling way. At Marketing Intent, we often encounter clients who wonder if quick, template-based solutions can suffice for their marketing needs. Our answer? No. Here’s why customized marketing materials are crucial and how we approach the creation of bespoke content that truly reflects the uniqueness of each client. 

The Limitations of Template-Based Marketing 

Templates can offer a starting point for many marketing endeavors, providing a basic structure and design. However, when it comes to effectively communicating the distinctiveness of an investment firm or a financial product, templates fall short. They are inherently designed to be generic, which means they lack the flexibility to highlight what makes your firm different and better than the competition. 

Understanding Each Client’s Unique Story 

At Marketing Intent, our process begins with a deep dive into understanding who our clients are. This includes exploring the history of the firm, its track record, the experience of its team, and how it stands out in the marketplace. These elements are vital as they form the backbone of a narrative that resonates with potential investors and clients. 

Bringing Stories to Life 

Once we have a thorough understanding of our client’s story, we bring this narrative into every piece of marketing material we create, whether it’s a fact sheet, an offering brochure, or a presentation. While fact sheets are typically concise, we ensure there is ample space to not only present essential data but also to weave in the firm’s narrative. This might include: 

  • Unique Imagery and Graphics: Custom visuals that explain how an offering works and what makes it unique. 
  • Clear Differentiators: Highlighting what sets the firm apart in the marketplace, such as a unique investment strategy or a notable track record. 

Customization Across All Platforms 

Our commitment to customization extends across all formats and platforms. Whether we’re designing a website, crafting the copy for a brochure, or structuring a PowerPoint presentation, our approach is tailored to reflect the unique attributes and strengths of each client. Here’s how we ensure every project is as individual as our clients: 

  • Personalized Design: From the layout to the choice of colors and fonts, every design element is chosen to reflect the client’s brand and message. 
  • Tailored Content: Every word written is aimed at conveying the client’s story, expertise, and market position. 
  • Strategic Structure: We structure materials not only to inform but also to engage advisors and investors. 

In a market flooded with alts firms vying for attention, using standardized templates can make your firm seem just like any other. At Marketing Intent, we believe that every client deserves marketing materials that are as unique as they are. Our process ensures that your firm’s strengths and differentiators are front and center, helping you capture the interest of advisors and investors effectively. 

If you’re looking to move beyond the ordinary and embrace marketing materials that truly represent your firm’s unique story and capabilities, reach out to us. We’re not just creating marketing materials. We’re crafting your firm’s narrative, designed to make a lasting impression on your audience — and support your capital-raising efforts. 

Offering Materials

Creating a Powerful Fact Sheet

If you’ve seen one fact sheet, you’ve seen them all. Stats are crammed in and there’s no white space. That poor fact sheet is trying to fit every little bit of information about your product into one page, because we all know the second page is full of disclosures.

What if your firm wants to take a different approach to this critical marketing piece? Let’s discuss some things you can highlight on your fact sheet to make it do its job better and give advisors a quick overview of your product.

Beyond the Numbers

When creating a fact sheet, go beyond the numbers. While your stats are important, they don’t all need to be on the fact sheet. Highlight some key points advisors need to know, but don’t include every single bit of information. Keep in mind you can also create other pieces, like a terms sheet that details the exact terms of the offering. Sometimes our focus gets so granular that we forget to think outside the box.

Highlight Your Firm’s Best Qualities

The next focus should be to highlight your firm’s qualities on your fact sheet. What is your firm known for? What about your firm stands out with advisors? Where is your experience focused? Investment objectives and legalese are a dime a dozen…bring out what really makes your firm unique.

Make Your Images and Graphics Stand Out

We often see asset managers wanting to make their fact sheets look just like other firm’s fact sheets. While we agree there are some key components to fact sheets, they don’t need to all be identical. Use graphics and images to make your fact sheet easier to read and to help get your story across. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that works here too. If you have the right graphics, you’re going to pique their interest.

You’re motivating advisors to reach out to your wholesalers, ask questions and even to set up meetings. It’s a conversation piece to drive towards the end goal of getting their business.

If you would like us to take a look at your fact sheet and give you some ideas on how we think you can improve it, or help you create your next fact sheet, contact us today.