Copywriting Marketing Basics

Rethinking Your Marketing Focus: It’s About Your Audience, Not Just Your Firm 

Is your marketing all about your firm? It shouldn’t be. We’ve noticed lately that marketing isn’t focused on the target audience, but rather on the firm creating it. It’s critical for marketing efforts to resonate deeply with financial advisors and investors, addressing their specific needs and concerns rather than merely showcasing the alts sponsor. Read on to learn how to get the “you” into your marketing to better engage with your audience. 

Identifying the Shift in Marketing Perspective 

Traditionally, marketing has often heavily emphasized the “we” — what our company does, our methods, and our perspectives. This approach, however, often overlooks the most critical component of effective marketing: the client or prospective client. Financial advisors and investors frequently encounter this self-focused messaging and are left wondering, “What’s in it for me?” 

The essence of impactful marketing lies not in self-promotion but in understanding and articulating how your firm’s investment offerings can help solve advisor and investor problems. How does your firm help them achieve better investment outcomes or address a fear or anxiety? The answers to these questions should be at the forefront of your marketing strategy. 

Evaluating Your Current Marketing Efforts 

One practical method to assess the client-centricity of your marketing content is to conduct a simple internal survey of your materials. Scrutinize the language used in your communications: 

  • Count how often you use “we” versus “you.” 
  • Note how many times you mention benefits that directly affect your client. 
  • Reflect on whether these benefits are clear and compelling. 

While it’s necessary to include information about your firm, the key is to integrate this information with strong, client-focused benefit statements. These statements should clearly communicate the value you bring to financial advisors and investors, helping them understand exactly what they gain by working with you. 

How to Refocus Your Marketing to be More Client-Centric 

For alternative investment firms looking to make their marketing more client-centric, here are some actionable steps: 

  1. Review and Revise: Start with an audit of your current marketing materials. Identify every instance of “we” and “our” and see if you can reframe these to highlight client benefits. 
  1. Engage with Your Audience: Implement mechanisms to gather feedback from your current clients about what they value most in your offerings. Use this data to tailor your marketing messages. 
  1. Educate Rather Than Sell: Shift the focus from selling products to educating your audience about how they can solve problems or improve their investment strategies with your firm’s help. 
  1. Utilize Case Studies and Testimonials: These are powerful tools that showcase real-life examples of how your firm has benefited other advisors and investors. 
  1. Consistent Brand Messaging: Ensure that all marketing materials and communications consistently highlight how your services benefit the client, reinforcing your firm’s value proposition. 

The shift in marketing strategy from a company-centric to a client-centric approach is not just beneficial but necessary for alternative investment firms aiming to succeed in a highly dynamic market. By focusing on how your services fulfill the specific needs of financial advisors and investors, your marketing efforts can become more effective and impactful. 

If refining your marketing approach seems daunting, consider partnering with specialists like Marketing Intent.

With our guidance, you can transform your marketing materials to resonate better with your target audience, ultimately leading to enhanced advisor and investor engagement and better support of your firm’s capital-raising efforts. 

Marketing Basics

Enhancing Collaboration with Compliance: Practical Steps for Success – Part Two 

In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the importance of building trust with your compliance team and how a positive relationship can significantly benefit your marketing operations within alternative investment firms. Part Two focuses on actionable strategies to streamline the compliance review process and how Marketing Intent can support in strengthening this crucial partnership. 

Making Compliance’s Job Easier 

A smooth compliance process is beneficial for all parties involved. Here are some practical steps to ensure your marketing materials are prepared in a way that facilitates a more efficient review by compliance: 

  1. Organize and Highlight Changes – Ensure that any submission to compliance is well-organized and clearly highlights changes from previous versions. This practice demonstrates your attention to detail and respect for the compliance team’s time, making the review process faster and more efficient. 
  1. Provide Sources and Justifications – Backing up claims and statistics with credible sources and justifications is essential. This not only strengthens your materials from a compliance perspective but also from an investor’s standpoint. Showing that you’re thorough in your due diligence reflects well on your firm’s commitment to transparency and accuracy. 
  1. Adhere to Guidelines – Familiarize yourself with regulatory guidelines and ensure your materials are in compliance before submission. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of significant revisions and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining high standards of compliance. 
  1. Communicate Clearly and Regularly – Open lines of communication with your compliance team can significantly enhance the review process. Regular updates and discussions about upcoming marketing initiatives can help compliance understand your timelines and priorities, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively. 

Navigating Regulatory Bodies 

The process doesn’t stop with internal compliance teams. When dealing with regulatory bodies like FINRA or the SEC, the clarity and compliance of your submissions are equally critical. Materials that are poorly organized or fail to meet standards are likely to face delays. Here, the same principles of clarity, organization, and adherence to guidelines apply. Demonstrating a high level of professionalism and compliance readiness can make a significant difference in how regulatory reviewers prioritize your submissions. 

How Marketing Intent Can Help 

At Marketing Intent, we understand the nuances of navigating the compliance landscape within the alternative investment sector. Our expertise extends beyond crafting compelling marketing strategies; we offer guidance and support in creating a seamless, efficient process that respects regulatory requirements while achieving your marketing goals. 

Our team can assist in: 

  • Reviewing and optimizing marketing materials for compliance readiness, ensuring they are structured and presented in a way that facilitates quick review. 
  • Developing compliance-friendly content that communicates your firm’s value proposition effectively while adhering to regulatory standards. 
  • Strategizing communication between marketing and compliance, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual respect. 


Transforming your relationship with compliance from a challenge into an opportunity requires a strategic approach focused on trust, communication, and a deep understanding of regulatory requirements. By taking proactive steps to streamline the compliance review process and working closely with Marketing Intent, your firm can enhance its marketing effectiveness, ensuring that your materials not only resonate with your audience but also navigate the regulatory landscape smoothly. Reach out to Marketing Intent today to learn how we can help. 

Marketing Basics

Enhancing Collaboration with Compliance: Practical Steps for Success – Part One 

For alternative investment firms, navigating the compliance landscape is often perceived as a daunting challenge. The process of getting marketing materials reviewed and approved can seem like an uphill battle, filled with potential delays and demands for revisions. However, this perspective overlooks the invaluable benefits of fostering a strong, positive relationship with your compliance team. In this two-part blog series, we delve into the importance of building trust with compliance and how such a relationship can significantly streamline your marketing efforts. 

Creating a Foundation of Trust 

Trust is the linchpin of any successful relationship, including the dynamic between marketing teams and compliance officers. Demonstrating a commitment to adhering to regulatory guidelines is crucial. Once a foundation of trust is established, compliance officers are more likely to expedite the review of your materials. This recognition of your track record for compliance accelerates the approval process, enabling more agile responses to market opportunities and a smoother execution of marketing campaigns. 

The Cost of Broken Trust 

A relationship strained by a lack of trust or, worse, breached trust, can lead to significant obstacles. Without a solid foundation of trust, compliance teams may adopt a more stringent approach to reviewing materials, prolonging the process to ensure meticulous adherence to regulations. This increased scrutiny can delay the deployment of marketing materials, hindering your firm’s ability to act quickly in response to market conditions or marketing opportunities. 

It’s crucial to understand that compliance is not just a regulatory requirement but a pivotal component of the industry’s infrastructure. Compliance endorsement is essential, making their cooperation critical to your firm’s operational efficiency and market presence. 

A Strong Relationship Can Mean a Quicker Review 

Developing a strong rapport with compliance officers can yield substantial benefits, particularly when time-sensitive situations arise. A well-nurtured relationship can lead to quicker reviews and approvals, as compliance teams recognize the mutual respect and understanding that has been cultivated. This advantage is invaluable for firms aiming to maintain agility in a competitive market, ensuring timely and effective engagement with target audiences. 

Compliance As an Ally 

Trust is the cornerstone of a productive relationship with compliance. Viewing compliance as an adversary rather than an ally can relegate your materials to the bottom of the review pile, resulting in delays and extensive revisions. Such setbacks can stifle your marketing initiatives, impeding your firm’s ability to communicate effectively with the market and, ultimately, achieve its capital-raising objectives.  

In Part Two of this series, we will explore practical strategies for making compliance’s job easier and how Marketing Intent can assist in fostering a collaborative and efficient relationship between your marketing team and compliance officers. Stay tuned for more insights on turning compliance from a perceived hurdle into a catalyst for your marketing success. 

Marketing Basics

Strengthening Your Marketing Foundation:  A Guide for Alternative Investment Firms 

In marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of the latest trends and innovations. However, amidst all the new strategies and platforms, it’s crucial to remember that the latest isn’t always the greatest. Let’s delve into what this means for alternative investment firms navigating the marketing landscape. 

Foundational Strategies Matter 

Before diving headfirst into the latest marketing tactics, it’s essential to ensure that your foundational strategies are solid. This means keeping your marketing basics intact and focusing on strategies that have stood the test of time. Webinars and emails remain invaluable tools for maintaining a human connection with your audience and showcasing your expertise. Additionally, sponsorships, newsletters, ads, and strong financial advisor relationships offer additional avenues for engagement and visibility. 

The Power of Tangible Assets 

While digital marketing continues to dominate, don’t underestimate the value of tangible assets. Producing informative flyers, whether in print or PDF format, provides clients with tangible resources they can reference and share. Furthermore, direct mail is experiencing a resurgence, offering a personal touch that resonates with recipients. Leveraging QR codes in direct mail campaigns can drive traffic to your website and enhance lead capture. 

Social Media Savvy 

Social media remains a cornerstone of modern marketing, but success requires more than just maintaining a presence. Stay updated on platform trends and innovations, adapting your strategy to leverage new features effectively. Don’t rely on outdated approaches; instead, evolve alongside the ever-changing social media landscape to maximize engagement and reach. 

Partnering with Marketing Intent 

At Marketing Intent, we understand the importance of maintaining a strong marketing foundation while embracing innovation. As a sales-focused marketing group specializing in alternative investments, we excel at driving sales through strategic marketing initiatives. Our tailored approach ensures that your marketing efforts align with your business objectives, helping you captivate financial advisors and raise capital effectively. 

Ready to Strengthen Your Marketing Foundation? 

If you’re unsure whether your marketing foundation is solid or if you’re fully utilizing available resources, contact Marketing Intent today. Let’s schedule a meeting to assess your current strategies and explore opportunities for growth and optimization. Together, we can ensure that your marketing efforts lay the groundwork for success in the ever-evolving landscape of alternative investments. 

Marketing Basics Trust

Staying Ahead of the Marketing Curve 

In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying at the forefront of innovation is key to success. At Marketing Intent, we’re often asked if we’re aware of the latest and greatest marketing products and tools. The answer? A resounding YES. Today, we’re excited to share how we leverage our network and expertise to stay ahead of the curve and help our clients thrive in the alternative investment industry. 

Expanding Marketing Horizons 

Constantly seeking new ideas and tools, we explore diverse industries to uncover innovative approaches. Recognizing that the alternative investment sector can sometimes lag in technology adoption, we draw inspiration from software and other cutting-edge sectors. Whether it’s harnessing the power of video, social media, or advertising, we’re committed to helping our clients expand their marketing suite and reach new heights. 

Testing and Iterating 

As we discover new strategies, we practice what we preach by implementing them within Marketing Intent. Acting as our own guinea pigs, we test and refine these techniques to ensure they deliver results. By working through the kinks internally, we equip ourselves with firsthand experience to offer our clients tried-and-tested solutions with confidence. 

Cultivating Trusted Partnerships 

Our network is our greatest asset. Through ongoing communication with past colleagues and industry contacts, we cultivate strong relationships built on trust and reliability. These connections enable us to collaborate with experts across various areas of marketing, ensuring that we can tackle any project with expertise and precision. 

Commitment to Excellence 

At Marketing Intent, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and customer service. Before any deliverable goes to our clients, we meticulously review and refine it to meet our exacting standards. Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of our work, from project management and team expansion to an offering brochure or social media post. 

Empowering Client Success 

Whether you’re exploring new projects or seeking innovative solutions, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on fostering strong long-term partnerships with our clients and delivering exceptional results that support capital-raising efforts. 

Get in Touch 

If you’re ready to explore new possibilities and elevate your marketing efforts, we invite you to reach out to us today

Marketing Basics

Unlocking the Potential of Your Alternative Investment Product:  Marketing Strategies That Work 

The alternative investments industry continues to innovate product structures, offering creative ways for individuals to add alts to their portfolios. However, creating a successful product is just one piece of the puzzle. Oftentimes these new structures can be complex and difficult to explain to advisors and investors. To gain advisor mindshare, you need an effective marketing strategy that can boil down the complexities of your investment structure and philosophy to the story behind your offering – and there’s always a story. At Marketing Intent, we specialize in marketing alternative investments of all types, and we’re here to help you uncover your story and engage financial advisors to help support your capital raising efforts.  

Diverse Product Structures, One Marketing Partner 

Whether your firm is offering REITs, closed-end funds, 1031 Exchanges, private placements, 506(c) offerings, or 506(b) offerings, you need a marketing partner that understands the nuances of each. At Marketing Intent, we’ve successfully marketed a gamut of different product structures, making us well-equipped to understand and to market your unique product. 

Expertise in Compliance 

Navigating compliance regulations in the world of alternative investments can be a daunting task. The consequences of non-compliance are severe, making it crucial to have a marketing partner well-versed in regulatory guidelines. Our team at Marketing Intent possesses extensive knowledge of compliance requirements, ensuring that your marketing efforts remain within legal boundaries. With us by your side, you can have confidence that your marketing campaigns are both effective and compliant. 

In-Depth Knowledge of the Industry 

As the backbone of our marketing, we have a deep understanding of the overarching alternative investments industry as well as the underlying asset classes. This industry-specific expertise allows us to craft compelling messages that resonate with financial advisors and investors. Additionally, we have a long history in marketing to financial advisors – and serve financial advisors as our clients – so have inside knowledge and insights to help drive effective asset manager marketing.  

Tailored Marketing Strategies 

One of the keys to successful marketing is tailoring your strategy to your specific product and target audience. We understand that each alternative investment product structure requires a unique approach. We’ll work closely with you to develop a customized marketing plan that aligns with your goals, appeals to financial advisors and helps your firm stand out in the growing alts industry.  

In the competitive world of alternative investments, having a groundbreaking product structure is only the beginning. To truly succeed, you need a marketing partner who can effectively promote your offerings, ensure compliance, and leverage industry knowledge. Marketing Intent is that partner. With our experience in marketing a wide range of alternative investment structures, our commitment to compliance, and our in-depth industry knowledge, we’re well-equipped to help you reach your marketing goals. 

Contact us today to explore how our tailored marketing strategies can help support your capital raising efforts. 

Marketing Basics

Navigating the Unpredictable: Why Your Marketing Plan Should Be Agile 

In the fast-paced world of alternative investments, adaptability is key. Your marketing plan for the upcoming year may look well-crafted today, but can it weather the unexpected changes and challenges that tomorrow may bring? In this article, we’ll explore the importance of an agile marketing plan and how Marketing Intent can help you navigate the twists and turns of the ever-evolving alternative investment landscape. 

The Need for Adaptability 

In the financial industry, change is a constant. Economic conditions, market dynamics, and unforeseen events can disrupt even the most meticulously planned marketing strategies. Alternative investment firms must respond swiftly to emerging opportunities and challenges. Waiting weeks to adapt simply isn’t an option when investors and advisors are eager for timely information. 

Planning for the Unpredictable 

Your marketing plan should be a living document, capable of adjusting to unforeseen circumstances. Consider scenarios such as sudden changes in the economy, unexpected fund closings, or opportunities to launch new funds. Are you equipped to modify your plan on the fly and capitalize on these situations? An agile marketing plan allows you to pivot quickly and effectively. 

The Role of Marketing Intent 

At Marketing Intent, we specialize in helping alternative investment firms create marketing plans that are not only well-defined but also agile. Here’s how we can assist you: 

  • Strategic Insights: We have a keen eye for identifying the areas of your marketing plan that need flexibility. We understand where to build in the capacity to respond to changing market conditions without getting bogged down in the nitty-gritty details.  
  • Adjusting on the Fly: When it’s time to launch your marketing for the year, we’re prepared to adapt to unexpected developments. Our team can make the necessary adjustments to your marketing materials, communication plans, and strategies as needed, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve. No analysis paralysis. 

Building Resilience into Your Plan 

The goal is not just to react to changes but also to proactively incorporate flexibility into your marketing plan from the outset. By working with Marketing Intent, we can help you identify potential areas of adjustment and build resilience into your plan, so you’re better prepared for whatever the future holds. 

Reach Out to Us Today 

As you plan for 2024 and beyond, it’s essential to have a marketing partner that understands the need for an agile approach. At Marketing Intent, we’re here to help you create a marketing plan that can adapt to the unpredictable nature of the alternative investment industry. 

If you’d like us to take a closer look at your marketing plan and explore how we can make it more agile, reach out to us today. Together, we can ensure that your marketing efforts are not only well-structured but also responsive to the ever-changing alternative investments landscape. 

Marketing Basics

Unifying Your Alternative Investment Marketing Efforts: Why Choose Marketing Intent 

Marketing plays a pivotal role in engaging advisors and driving capital raising for alternative investments. From crafting compelling emails to producing engaging videos, it may seem like you need an army of experts to manage various aspects of your marketing strategy. However, what you truly need is one firm with a unified vision, and that’s where Marketing Intent steps in. We bring a comprehensive approach to marketing that covers all the bases, ensuring your marketing efforts are seamless and effective. 

What Marketing Intent Does 

At Marketing Intent, we don’t just dabble in a few aspects of marketing, we cover it all. Here’s a glimpse of what we offer: 

  • Project Management: We oversee and coordinate all aspects of your marketing initiatives, ensuring smooth execution and timely delivery. 
  • Email Marketing: From writing the content to designing eye-catching emails, we have the expertise to make your email campaigns stand out. 
  • Thought Leadership: We help you establish your firm as an industry thought leader by writing insightful and engaging content that resonates with advisors and investors. 
  • Video Marketing: Our involvement in video marketing goes beyond the surface. We work closely with video production teams to ensure every frame aligns with your marketing objectives. 
  • Presentation and Collateral Design: From presentations to brochures and kit boxes, we handle the design and branding to leave a lasting impression on potential investors. 

The Power of Communication 

Effective communication is the bedrock of successful marketing campaigns, and at Marketing Intent, we take it seriously. We pride ourselves on our commitment to keeping you in the loop at every stage of the marketing process. If any aspect of your campaign deviates from the plan, we maintain open lines of communication to address issues promptly. 

Centralization and Collaboration 

When you partner with Marketing Intent, you gain access to a team that collaborates seamlessly to centralize your marketing efforts. Whether you engage us to serve as your outsourced marketing team or to write a single thought leadership piece, we collaborate with your existing marketing team, your sales team and management team for the most insightful and effective marketing. We ensure that all components of your marketing strategy work harmoniously, delivering a consistent message and enhancing your firm’s visibility in the alternative investment landscape. 

Driving the Capital Raise Needle Forward 

Our ultimate goal is to help you drive the needle forward in terms of capital raise. By leveraging our comprehensive marketing capabilities, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with advisors and potential investors. We keep touch points active, providing you with insights and updates, ensuring you’re always aware of what’s happening in your marketing campaigns. 

If you’re ready to take your alternative investment marketing to the next level, reach out to Marketing Intent today.

Let’s discuss your unique needs and how we can collaborate to drive your firm’s growth and capital raise. Your success is our mission, and we’re here to make it happen. Contact us today to start a conversation about your marketing needs. 

Marketing Basics

The Silver Bullet in Alternative Investment Marketing 

In the world of alternative investments marketing, asset managers are looking for that elusive silver bullet—the one thing that will instantly attract financial advisors and flood your fund with investments. However, the reality is that there’s no magic button that guarantees success in this competitive landscape. It takes dedication, a clear messaging strategy, and a long-term commitment to make significant capital raising progress. In this article, we’ll explore how to increase your chances of attracting investments and why partnering with Marketing Intent can be the key to your success. 

Building Financial Advisor Trust and Confidence Takes Time 

One crucial fact to understand is that building financial advisor confidence and securing investments isn’t an overnight process. On average, it can take up to 18 months from the initial interaction for a financial advisor to commit client funds to your investments. During this time, you must focus on activities that increase the likelihood of them choosing your fund. 

  • Consistent Brand Presence: Maintaining a consistent brand presence is essential. Your branding should be cohesive across all channels, from emails to conferences. This consistency helps establish recognition and trust within the industry. 
  • Effective Industry Communication: How you communicate within the industry matters. Engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and actively participate in discussions. Building relationships with financial advisors and industry professionals is key. 
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with industry partners can significantly enhance your credibility and visibility. It’s about forming alliances that align with your goals and target audience. 

Simplistic Messaging 

In a space saturated with alternative investment firms, it’s crucial to simplify your messaging. Financial advisors are bombarded with information from various sources, making it challenging for them to decipher what each firm offers. To stand out, your messaging must be: 

  • Clear: Your message should be crystal clear and easy to understand. 
  • Consistent: Maintain consistency across all communication channels to reinforce your message. 
  • Concise: Be concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming advisors with unnecessary details in introductory messages. 

By keeping your messaging simple and staying consistent across all channels, you make it easier for financial advisors to understand and remember what you offer. 

We Understand Your Unique Challenges 

At Marketing Intent, we understand the unique challenges faced by alternative investment firms. We can help you refine your marketing and messaging strategies to engage financial advisors effectively. Here’s how we can assist: 

  • Strategic Assessment: We’ll evaluate your current marketing efforts and messaging to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Messaging Refinement: Our team will work with you to simplify and clarify your messaging, ensuring it resonates with financial advisors. 
  • Targeted Campaigns: We’ll help you reach financial advisors through strategic marketing campaigns, conferences, and industry partnerships. 

While there may not be a silver bullet in alternative investment marketing, there is a path to success through dedication and strategic marketing efforts. Simplify your messaging, stay consistent, and commit to the long game.  

If you’re ready to enhance your marketing and engage financial advisors more effectively, Marketing Intent is here to help. Let’s work together to make your fund stand out in the competitive alternative investment landscape. Reach out to us today for a consultation. 

Communication Marketing Basics

How to Make Your Firm Easy for Advisors to Work With

You’ve probably heard of CX, which is customer experience. But in the asset management world, it’s also important to think about the AX, which is the advisor experience. As you launch an offering or you continue to try to appeal to advisors, the easier you make it to work with your firm, the better.

Here are a few ways to make sure that your firm is being accessible and easy for advisors to work with.

Access to Your Materials

First of all, it’s important to make sure advisors can access your material easily, whether that’s on your website or through contacting your sales team. Same holds true for obtaining information about your firm. You don’t want advisors to have to go to your website and search around trying to find key pieces of information. It should be front center, clear and easy to find.

Access to People

Advisors are looking for access to people. Whether that’s that sales team and being able to talk to them on demand, or the management team – accessing them through events or even one-on-one meetings. Access to the humans behind the firm and the investment can be critical and important for creating a positive experience for advisors.

Updated Materials

Advisors need the asset managers they work with to be consistent in updating their materials. No one wants to invest a client in a product and then have only outdated information to provide status updates and answer questions. That is the signature of a bad advisor experience.

For example, the latest property acquisition should be front and center, easy to find, and current. This also helps create trust with advisors by showing them you are following through on your investment philosophy

Clear Communication

Finally, clear communication is essential both before and after an advisor makes an investment in your firm. Advisors need to know and understand:

  • Your story and your investment philosophy
  • How you approach doing business
  • How you operate
  • How you communicate with advisors and investors
  • What your statements look like (are they easily understandable)
  • What types of updates are you providing on an ongoing basis

All these things can help develop trust on both the front end, as well as after advisors and investors are invested in your product, which can then help perpetuate additional investments.

If you need help evaluating your strategy and the type of experience you’re creating for advisors, contact Marketing Intent today.