Category: Segmentation

Turning Marketing Insights Into Action 

Investing time and energy in your marketing efforts is crucial, but do you know if they are truly effective? To ensure you’re maximizing your marketing insights and turning them into actionable strategies, there are key steps you need to take. Here’s how to transform your marketing insights into impactful actions that support capital raising.

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Don’t Make Your Sales Team Write These Emails 

We’ve recently received some sales emails with subject lines like, “I know there’s a fine line between being persistent and being a pest,” or “Perhaps the timing is off,” or our personal favorite, “Quick Question.” Emails like this highlight a key fact about the companies sending them – they are letting their salespeople down. As marketers, our toolbox is teeming with resources to ensure our salespeople never have to resort to such tactics. Let’s delve into what you can do as a marketer so your sales team doesn’t have to write emails like the ones we received.  

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One-Hit Wonders

One-hit wonders exist in the music industry and also in financial services. But why would an advisor allocate part of a client’s portfolio in your product and nothing beyond? One and done. In this article we talk about how to convert a one-hit wonder into a loyal producer for your firm.

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Uncover the Secrets to Winning Over Advisors

Wondering how to help your firm and offerings stand out positively? Our insights can help. Subscribe now and receive a copy of our report, “How Advisors Evaluate Sponsors on Marketing and Communications.” This report will help you learn what advisors look for when choosing alternative investment partners.

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