Project Management

Make Marketing Technology Your Friend:  Simplifying Marketing for Alternative Investment Firms 

Technology can be intimidating, especially for alternative investment asset managers. The constant evolution of new programs and the complexities of implementation can make anyone want to bury their head in the sand. However, in today’s digital age, technology is not the enemy—it’s your friend. It can streamline your operations, save time, and elevate your marketing efforts. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of embracing technology to make marketing easier. 

Creating a Support System 

Technology, when harnessed correctly, serves as a valuable support system for your business. It can handle the repetitive, time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic endeavors that require your expertise. Let’s delve into how technology can simplify your marketing efforts: 

  • HeyOrca – The LinkedIn Powerhouse: One example of technology that can work in your favor is HeyOrca, a social media management program we’ve successfully implemented for ourselves as well as our clients. With HeyOrca, we’ve made managing LinkedIn posts a breeze. We plan our posts, schedule them in advance, and sit back as they automatically publish on the specified dates. No more logging in daily to post updates—everything is set up and runs smoothly, giving us more time to concentrate on critical tasks. 
  • Email Automation – Personalized Outreach at Scale: Email marketing automation is another game-changer. We’ve set up automated email campaigns for our clients that take financial advisors on carefully crafted journeys. The best part? Financial advisors receive personalized emails at regular intervals without realizing they aren’t personally crafted every time. This automation ensures consistent touchpoints and keeps you at the forefront of financial advisors’ minds, building trust and making them aware that you’re a consistent communicator. 

Exploring Endless Possibilities 

These are just a couple of examples, but the world of technology offers countless tools and solutions to simplify your operations and enhance your marketing efforts. However, the key lies in implementing the right technologies and strategies tailored to your specific needs. 

How Marketing Intent Can Help 

At Marketing Intent, we understand that technology can be daunting. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate the world of digital solutions. Here’s how we can assist: 

  • Technology Implementation: We can serve as a consultant in the process of selecting and implementing the right technologies for your business. Whether it’s email automation, social media management, or another digital marketing tool, we’ll ask questions to help ensure you select a high-quality technology solution for your firm. 
  • Maximize Technology Use: Our team will work closely with you to develop personalized marketing strategies that leverage technology effectively. We’ll identify the approaches that align with your goals and target audience. 

Don’t let the fear of technology hold you back.

Embrace it, harness its power, and watch as it simplifies your marketing efforts, freeing up your time to focus on what truly matters. If you’re ready to make technology your friend and explore the endless possibilities it offers, reach out to Marketing Intent. We’re here to help you explore the technology tools and maximize their use. Let’s meet and discuss technology-driven marketing strategies. 

Project Management Time Management

Sharp Shooters Still Need to Nurture 

In the alternative investments industry, we hear asset managers or managing broker dealers say: “We’re sharp shooters with a niche audience, so do we really need emails?” The answer is a resounding YES. Even if your investment firm is targeting a select group of financial advisors, staying in constant touch and nurturing these relationships is critical. Here’s a closer look at why even the best sharpshooters can’t sidestep the power of nurturing through email marketing. 

Niches Need Nurturing 

There’s a misconception that targeting a niche automatically negates the need for consistent marketing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While sharp shooting may imply a hyper-focused approach, it does not mean that relationships are already built and that existing relationships don’t need ongoing nurturing. That’s where emails come in – it’s a low-cost and effective way to stay in front of advisors and provide them with educational content, thought leadership and investment offering updates. 

Customization: The Cornerstone of Relationships 

You might be delivering facts via your offering materials, but at the heart of every capital raising transaction is a human relationship. Contrary to the notion that niche targeting doesn’t require personalization, studies showcase that a staggering 70% of consumers are more inclined to engage with brands that provide customized communication and nurture relationships. In a world where digital interactions are the norm, you can bring in the human element to stand out and create touchpoints that are personalized and tailored, making your brand resonate with advisors. 

The Importance of Being Persistent 

In the world of alternative investments, patience is more than a virtue; it’s a necessity. It’s not uncommon for a span of 18 months to elapse from the first contact with an advisor to the time they commit to raising capital. Here’s the catch: during this extended timeframe, if your firm is out of sight, you’re inevitably out of mind. A sporadic phone call here and there won’t cut it. With emails, you have the opportunity to regularly provide value, updates and insights creating a foundation for a capital raising relationship. 

It’s Not About Quantity, But Quality 

Perhaps you’re thinking, “We have a small audience; we don’t need to bombard them with emails.” The essence of effective email marketing, especially for niche targets, isn’t about overwhelming them with volume. It’s about delivering high-quality, relevant and timely content that reinforces the relationship. Whether you’re sending out monthly newsletters, weekly insights, or even quarterly updates, the goal is to maintain a consistent and valuable presence in the advisor’s inbox. 

Need Help with Your Nurture? 

Dismissing the power of nurturing is not just a missed opportunity, it’s a strategic oversight. As specialists in alternative investment marketing, we can’t stress enough the importance of consistent, customized, and high-quality nurturing regardless of the size of your target audience. If you would like help keeping your relationships nurtured while remaining a sharp shooter, reach out to us

Project Management Time Management

Why “Done” Often Outweighs “Perfect” 

In marketing, a common struggle often arises: How do we strike a balance between perfection and getting something done? If you’ve ever found yourself agonizing over every detail of a marketing piece, only to see deadlines whiz past, you’re not alone. Read on for insights from almost three decades in the marketing trenches. Sometimes, done really is better than perfect. 

The Perils of Perfectionism 

It’s natural to aim for excellence. We all want our work to shine, especially in a sector as competitive as alternative investments. But therein lies a trap. The pursuit of perfection can sometimes be paralyzing. Endless tweaks to copy or graphics might give us the illusion of progress when, in fact, we’re delaying the launch of an already effective piece or campaign. 

98% is OK 

The alternative investments world operates at a lightning pace. Delaying a campaign by seeking absolute perfection can mean missing out on key opportunities. It’s about understanding when your material is impactful and ready to resonate with its audience. The essence here is not to compromise on quality but to recognize that sometimes, the final 2% of adjustments might not significantly alter the effectiveness of your campaign. 

Embrace Iteration 

Marketing, by nature, is evolutionary. Every campaign, every piece of material you produce, offers a learning curve. Feedback is inevitable. Be it from sales teams, advisors, or even market response – there’s always room to adapt and improve. The goal should be to launch effectively, gather insights, and then refine. By adopting this iterative approach, you ensure that your marketing gets done on time and remains agile, relevant and continually optimized. 

ROI: More Than Just Numbers 

We often measure return on investment quantitatively, but what about the time spent over minor tweaks? Could that time have been better spent strategizing the next campaign, researching new market trends, or forging fresh relationships? When a piece or campaign gets to “good” criteria and you feel it will effectively do its job, it’s time to wrap it up and move on to the next project to help your sales team raise capital.  

Let’s Partner 

If the weight of crafting the ‘perfect’ marketing campaign feels overwhelming, or if you’re second-guessing that brochure draft for the umpteenth time, we’re here to help. Reach out to us, and let’s get some marketing done for your firm. 

Project Management

Do We Have the Capacity to Take on Your Next Project? 

Clients often ask how we know we have the capacity to take on one of their projects? The answer lies in project management. We’re dedicated to maintaining a high level of project management in both our systems and our personnel to understand our capacity, accurately estimate when we can deliver projects and so that we can provide our clients with high-quality deliverables. 

The System is the Foundation 

Our project management system helps us drill down to exactly what’s going on across all our projects and clients. The minute a client asks us to undertake a project, it’s in the system with budgeted hours, a schedule, deadlines and who is assigned to the project based on capacity. To us, if it’s not in the project management system, it doesn’t exist! Even our vacation time is in the system.  

As we get new project requests or potential new clients, the system allows us to answer the question on if we can deliver a project this week or next, how many hours it will take us to complete or if we can squeeze in a rush project.  

More Time for Client Projects 

Our project management system has helped us get rid of managing projects via Excel spreadsheets (thank you!) which we talked about in another video. In any project management or database context, ditch the Excel spreadsheet, because it doesn’t help you. Our project management system has freed up time in asking each other for updates because…you guessed it…the system tracks it! This means we have more time to dedicate to client projects instead of figuring out where those projects are. And we can make a few hours go a long way for clients.  

Capacity Confidence 

We pride ourselves in making sure that when we’re talking to prospective clients or current clients, we know exactly when we can deliver something. We can share that confidently and deliver on our promises. 

If you’d like to understand our capacity for helping you with a project, reach out to us. We’ll consult our project management system and get you a delivery estimate. 

Project Management Time Management

Doing More of What Really Matters 

The book, Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown struck a chord with us when we think about marketing for our clients. The premise of the book is to understand what’s essential to what you do and focus on that. It’s not the pursuit of doing less, it’s the pursuit of doing more of what really matters. Read on to learn how this applies to asset manager marketing.  

It’s All About Raising Capital 

There’s a lot of marketing that’s done today simply because people think it should be done. But much of it doesn’t go to the end of raising capital for asset managers. Our approach is to take some of the principles from Greg McKeown’s book and apply them to our clients to help them focus on pursuing what really matters – which is raising capital. We review our clients’ marketing programs and plans to ensure they support their capital raising efforts and goals. 

Syncing Sales and Marketing 

A key way we do this is by syncing marketing efforts with the sales team, and understanding what their needs are. As we evaluate marketing pieces, create strategies and draft content, we think through how we can help the sales team have better conversations with advisors. What objections can we address head on? What product structure complexity can we explain? What differentiator can we highlight? What is the story we’re telling about the product and asset class? This is essential work and should be the focus of any marketing team in the alternative investment industry.  

Using Time Wisely 

Another aspect of Essentialism we practice with clients is the best use of time – who is best suited to do which tasks. We are skilled at developing marketing strategies, writing content and creating compelling designs to help asset managers stand out with financial advisors and capture mindshare. We bring these contributions to your firm often alongside marketing teams you have in-house – and even alongside other marketing firms that are handling other aspects of your firm’s business.  

Our Essential Role 

We see our essential role as consulting you on industry best practices and trends, pushing you ahead of your competitors in awareness of your brand and investment offerings and starting conversations with advisors that open doors for your sales team. Your internal team may be best suited to navigate the materials review process at your firm, provide background information to us, manage your email program and plan events. We can do these things for our clients, but our essential work comes in the insights we offer that no one else at your firm has the time, experience or background to offer. Our goal is to make our clients’ investment in Marketing Intent go the furthest.  

If you’d like to explore further how we can support your firm’s capital raising efforts and focus on what is essential as far as marketing goes, reach out to us

Marketing Management Project Management

The Power of the Pivot

Your fund just closed and you expected it to be open for six more months.

Your marketing plan is out the window.

So what do you do next?

This is where the power of the pivot in business comes into play.

Changing Direction Quickly

In marketing, we love to create project plans, line up our content calendar, schedule campaigns and set everything in motion.

We have this ideal set out on how everything’s going to go. Your fund is launched, it’s live, your sales team is raising capital and your firm is planning on selling it until it reaches $X in capital or as of a certain date. But then your sales team raises capital faster than you expected.

All your marketing plans are out the window. What do you do next? The sales team doesn’t get time off until the next offering. And the next fund launch is likely months away.

This is where strategy comes into play. And your ability to change on demand. Especially in a volatile market. It’s important to prep yourself mentally and with strategy to quickly change direction. 

Develop Your Next Steps

First, bring the entire marketing team into what is happening and the pivot your firm and your team need to make. Sketch out the situation, which marketing programs are now obsolete, what advisors’ information needs will be around the business event that just occurred and what they will need to know going forward as you launch a new fund.

When you have a gap between funds, a great place to focus is on brand awareness. Just because your fund is closed, doesn’t mean your brand’s gone. Your sales team works hard to establish relationships with financial advisors…part of your job is to help them keep those relationships intact even if you don’t have a product in the market. Miss this as a marketer, and capital raising will be slow going at the start of your next offering as you try to make up for lost time in maintaining a presence in the minds of advisors.

For example, advisors are looking for education – on alternative investments, on your asset class, on lifestyle trends affecting commercial real estate. Focus on that between offerings. You can also distribute content from third parties and note how the information relates to your firm. And keep featuring your management team on webinars to provide advisors with updates or insights.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you plan for the pivot, reach out to us today.