Due Diligence

Including Due Diligence Officers is Crucial for Your Marketing Strategy 

Including Due Diligence Officers is Crucial for Your Marketing Strategy 

Building and nurturing relationships with due diligence (DD) officers is often underestimated in alternative investment marketing. These professionals play a vital role in getting your offering approved, and it’s essential not to overlook them once the initial selling agreement is in place. In this article, we’ll explore why including DD officers in email campaigns is a smart strategy. 

Provide Updates to Build Trust 

In the world of alternative investments, by including DD officers in your email campaigns, you keep them updated on critical information about your offering, even if it’s as simple as acquisition updates. When DD officers receive these communications, it reassures them that they are in the know, reducing anxiety about potential unexpected developments. And it can help them build trust and confidence in your firm to see you executing on your investment strategy. Additionally, advisors often turn to the DD officers at their firm with questions on offerings, so this inclusion ensures that they are well-equipped to provide answers about your firm and investments. 

Earning Some Positive PR 

By including DD officers in your marketing campaigns, you provide them with the opportunity to see how you’re communicating with advisors, if you’re helping educate them, providing thought leadership, and offering updates on various aspects of the industry and your offerings. This regular engagement helps you establish a positive reputation with DD officers, which can be invaluable when you need to approach them for the next selling agreement for your upcoming product. 

Building Relationships 

Repetition is key to building relationships. By consistently including DD officers in your marketing campaigns, you demonstrate your commitment to keeping them informed. Some of these communications may even carry a personal touch, reinforcing the sense of connection. Additionally, by using a comprehensive email list, you can efficiently reach a large number of DD officers without sending individual emails through Outlook. It’s a practical way to provide timely information that they can file away and reference when needed. 

DD Officer Marketing Isn’t Optional 

Marketing Intent understands the importance of including DD officers in your marketing strategy – and that it should be considered a requirement. Here’s how we can assist you: 

  • Email Campaign Enhancement: We can help you develop email campaigns that specifically target DD officers, ensuring that they receive relevant and timely updates. 
  • Content Strategy: Our team can work with you to create content that appeals to DD officers and addresses their specific needs and concerns. 
  • Efficient Communication: We can streamline your communication processes, so you reach a broader audience of DD officers without the hassle of individual emails. 

Building strong relationships with DD officers is a strategic move that can greatly benefit your firm. Including them in marketing campaigns is an effective way to keep them in the communication loop, demonstrate your commitment to transparency, and ultimately enhance your reputation.  

If you’re interested in learning more about how to include DD officers in your marketing efforts, contact Marketing Intent. We’re here to help you strengthen your connections with this essential group of professionals. 

Due Diligence Marketing Management

Collecting Intent Signals from Financial Advisors 

Collecting Intent Signals from Financial Advisors 

In the dynamic world of alternative investments, understanding financial advisors’ intentions can be the key to success. Are you paying attention to the intent signals advisors are sending you? If you’re not, it’s time to reconsider your approach. In this article, we’ll explore what intent signals are, how to collect them, and how you can harness these signals to drive your marketing efforts. 

Understanding Intent Signals 

Intent signals are any actions or behaviors that indicate an advisor’s potential interest in your offering. These signals can take various forms, such as answering a phone call, clicking on an email link, opening an email, or engaging with you on LinkedIn. These actions are subtle cues that advisors are giving you, signaling their intent to explore your fund further. 

Collecting and Utilizing Intent Signals 

The first step in leveraging intent signals is to actively collect and analyze them – and evaluate how you’re using them. 

  • Assessment: Start by evaluating your current approach to collecting and tracking intent signals. Are you effectively capturing and documenting these signals, or are they slipping through the cracks? 
  • Customization: Customize your tracking methods to align with your goals and target audience. This may involve implementing new tools or systems to capture and organize intent signals effectively. 
  • Data Analysis: Once the intent signals are collected, analyze them to gain insights into the topics and information that advisors are most interested in. This data allows you to tailor your marketing and sales efforts more effectively. 

Engaging with Sales 

One common challenge in marketing is failing to share intent signals with the sales team. However, these signals can be invaluable for sales. By passing on information about what advisors are interested in on the marketing side, you enable your sales team to have more informed and targeted conversations with financial advisors. We’ve witnessed wholesalers unaware of specific advisors’ interest in a product until intent signals were shared with them by marketing. This knowledge allowed them to tailor their meetings, emails, and content to align with what advisors were attracted to. Sharing intent signals is a powerful tool for synchronizing marketing and sales efforts, enabling your sales team to prioritize outreach and engage in warmer conversations. 

We Understand the Importance of Syncing Marketing with Sales 

Marketing Intent understands the importance of intent signals in the alternative investment industry – and using them to sync marketing and sales. We can help you identify, collect, and utilize these signals to enhance your marketing and sales strategies. Here’s how we can assist: 

  • Intent Signal Assessment: We’ll assess your current practices and identify opportunities for collecting and utilizing intent signals effectively. 
  • Customized Solutions: Our team will work closely with you to develop customized strategies and tools for capturing and interpreting intent signals. 
  • Data-Driven Marketing: We’ll help you use intent signals to create data-driven marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience and drive engagement. 

Intent signals are the hidden gems in your marketing efforts.

Don’t let them go unnoticed or underutilized. By partnering with Marketing Intent, you can maximize the value of these signals, align your marketing and sales efforts, and ultimately increase your success in the competitive world of alternative investments. If you’re ready to understand and leverage intent signals from financial advisors, contact us today

Due Diligence

Is Your Marketing Ignoring Due Diligence Officers?

Due diligence officers play a key role in the success of investment offerings through their firms. But many asset managers don’t have a plan to market to due diligence officers in a proactive and consistent way.

If you aren’t treating due diligence officers as their own marketing segment – or you don’t remember the last time you communicated with them – read on for tips on how to engage this critical audience.

Partner with National Accounts

You’ve heard us talk about the importance of syncing marketing with sales. This includes the national accounts team. As the group responsible for building the selling group, the due diligence officer segment is all theirs. But that doesn’t mean they don’t need marketing support. Especially when national accounts teams are often small at one or two people.

Start by meeting with the national accounts team to understand their target audience – is it large firms, regional broker/dealers, small firms? Ask what the objections are to your firm’s offerings, what are its differentiators? What questions are common for the national accounts team to receive from due diligence officers? How is your firm received by the due diligence officers? Do they know your brand?

Create a Marketing Plan

Using what you learn, develop a marketing plan to help national accounts build relationships with due diligence officers, educate them, address their questions and objections. Also focus on building brand awareness if you’re at a smaller firm. No one will sign an offering for a firm they’re unfamiliar with. Help them get to know you.

Put it Into Action

The tactics used with due diligence officers are similar to those used with advisors – except the group is smaller and their decision about your firm can be more impactful. As a gatekeeper, a go/no-go your firm’s investment offering can either open the door to potential capital from a number of advisors – or no advisors. As such, consider how you can provide the due diligence officer audience a more personalized and high-end experience with your firm. Schedule 1:1 meetings for them with management, consider direct mail to stand out among offerings, use email to build brand awareness, invite them to follow your page on social, and share articles of interest with them. While the goal of marketing is often to scale, sometimes you open the door to scalability by making your “top of funnel” marketing highly personalized. The due diligence officer audience is the perfect place for this.

Build Trust

More than likely, you will be working with due diligence officers repeatedly as your firm takes your investment offerings full-cycle and starts new ones. Those asset managers who develop trusting relationships with due diligence offers gain the most traction with new offerings and potentially get them through the approval process faster.

While your past investment offering performance plays into your firm’s reputation with due diligence officers, so does your ongoing marketing and communication of your offering. If you’re not including due diligence officers on ongoing communications about your offerings and your firm, you’re missing the opportunity to establish your reputation and to keep your name in front of them. It also demonstrates how you’re communicating with advisors on your offering…a key aspect of what many due diligence officers evaluate when considering adding an asset manager to their platform.

Make Due Diligence Officers Part of Your Marketing Plan

If you aren’t including due diligence officers in your marketing efforts, it’s a huge gap that needs to be filled. Contact us and we’ll help get you on the right track.

About Marketing Intent

We are a sales-focused marketing group specializing in alternative investments with a track record in marketing that helps drive sales. We live by the mantra, “nothing happens until something is sold.” Our marketing serves as the backbone of sales. Our work makes your prospects and clients take notice, ask questions and listen to your story. Learn how we can help create marketing that helps raise capital.

Due Diligence Marketing Basics

7 Ways to Stay in Front of Distribution Partners When Your Offering is Dark

Just because your offering has been suspended doesn’t mean communication with your distribution partners should stop.

In fact, it’s a perfect time to showcase your commitment to your partnership by continuing communications with both home office contacts and advisors.

Home Office Contacts

Like everyone, your home office contacts have had to adjust to the virtual work environment. And their resources are being used to keep up with their investment offerings, monitor results, determine how Reg BI applies, and continue to provide advisors with the alternative investments their clients want. Sounds like a big job. So how can you make life easier for your home office contacts? How can you best serve their needs?
  1. Provide market updates/articles that pertain to your industry sector. Introduce them with a couple bullet points on why you thought your contact would find the information interesting.
  2. Communicate news on your offering early and transparently. Outline changes and updates rather than simply forwarding a link to a press release or filing.
  3. Ask permission to communicate with advisors. You may be inclined to reach out to advisors like you always have and ask your home office contacts for forgiveness later if they frown on your communications. Instead, use the opportunity to strengthen your relationship. Develop a communication plan for input/approval to let your distribution partners know you’re operating with them and their financial advisors in mind. While it’s tempting to skip a plan and submit one-off communications instead, a plan shows a more thoughtful and partner-centric approach.
44% of advisors find communicating effectively with clients during volatile markets stressful.* How can you help?


Consider advisor communications from their point of view – not yours. What are they struggling with? What’s their daily environment look like? How can you simply help them – even if it doesn’t immediately result in them dropping a ticket? Remember, those firms and wholesalers who focus on relationship building in uncertain times are the ones that will be top of mind for advisors when things settle down.
  1. Help advisors communicate with their clients. Provide talking points to give advisors a reason to call their clients with an update on their investment in your product. Remind them of any client-approved email templates or materials you have available. Or offer to speak on a client conference call or webinar to provide a market update on your sector.
  2. Make finding answers to common questions easy. Replace a product pitch call with a tour of your firm’s website to show advisors where to find key information (e.g., distributions, performance, portfolio). Encourage them to bookmark important pages. Maximize your time by scheduling a website tour webinar for your entire territory.
  3. Educate advisors. An educated advisor is your best customer. Think about where their knowledge gaps are today. Where can you help educate them on how various alternative investments compare, about industry trends, or even why your offering is dark and the criteria your firm is striving for to bring it back online.
  4. Reach out to centers of influence. Expand your reach by connecting with centers of influence at your distribution partners. How can you help field leaders, super OSJs or complex managers provide their advisors with valuable educational content? Position yourself as a resource to help their advisors navigate topics like market fundamentals, investment product comparisons or recent investor trends.
*Study: The War on Stress, 2019, Financial Planning Association, Janus Henderson Investors, Investopedia.

Want more information on strengthening your distribution partner relationship? Contact us today.