Category: Email

 Choose the Right Email Marketing Program 

Selecting the right email marketing program is crucial for the success of your marketing campaigns. At Marketing Intent, we’ve observed that many clients often choose platforms like HubSpot, MailChimp, or Pardot without fully understanding what these tools include. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key considerations to keep in mind when choosing an email marketing program.

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Sharp Shooters Still Need to Nurture 

In the alternative investments industry, we hear asset managers or managing broker dealers say: “We’re sharp shooters with a niche audience, so do we really need emails?” The answer is a resounding YES. Even if your investment firm is targeting a select group of financial advisors, staying in constant touch and nurturing these relationships is critical. Here’s a closer look at why even the best sharpshooters can’t sidestep the power of nurturing through email marketing.

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5 Ways to Improve CTAs

Have your eyes ever failed you? You can’t find a pen that’s in your hand, a phone that’s on your desk, or for the sunglasses sitting in your car console. That’s what it feels like when you’re on a web page or reading an email and can’t see where to take action – like your eyes are failing you.

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What Makes You Automatically Delete an Email?

What makes you automatically delete an email? For us, it’s when it’s nothing but words – that’s an automatic DELETE. No one has the attention span for that…and all those words tell us that someone doesn’t respect our time. Read on to learn how you can plan email content more effectively and get your message across immediately.

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Email Is Not Dead

Despite marketing trends and fads, email has shown it has staying power. It just needs to continue to evolve to keep advisors’ attention. Dynamic content and effective use of email technology will make your emails relevant and effective. Learn more here.

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The Power of Email in a Down Market

Asset Managers, when the going gets tough, are you ghosting advisors? The best asset managers connect with advisors throughout market ups and downs. Read more about how tactics like email can help keep the lines of communication open.

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Wondering how to help your firm and offerings stand out positively? Our insights can help. Subscribe now and receive a copy of our report, “How Advisors Evaluate Sponsors on Marketing and Communications.” This report will help you learn what advisors look for when choosing alternative investment partners.

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