What Makes You Automatically Delete an Email?

What makes you automatically delete an email? For us, it’s when it’s nothing but words – that’s an automatic DELETE. No one has the attention span for that…and all those words tell us that someone doesn’t respect our time. Read on to learn how you can plan email content more effectively and get your message across immediately.

Don’t Make People Scroll

We recently saw an email from an asset manager that was way too long. It required us to scroll and scroll and scroll….and scroll to get to the bottom. It was longer than a webpage of content. This approach is not catching anyone’s attention – so why do it? It’s not skimmable and we would be surprised if the email performed well.

Avoid the Word Wall

That same email also made the mistake of including no graphics – none. Total word wall. Make your emails more engaging – and less wordy – by using graphics, video, buttons and motion. Make them skimmable…people have an 8 second attention span. What are you doing in your email to at least get that much time…and potentially earn another 8 seconds because your content is engaging. Graphics are also more eye friendly. Many people spend so much time at a computer that a change of “scenery” is welcome and they are more likely to engage with it.

Keep Your Email Simple

Our industry is complex, but our emails don’t have to be. Think about your firm, your asset class, your investment offering. Bubble the key points up to engage advisors – don’t give them every detail. Keep it to one topic per email and get to your point quickly with a strong CTA. Your emails should be making your sales team’s job easier – make sure they are performing well for that purpose. Keep it short and jargon free.

We love a good email challenge…need a rewrite on an email? Have a topic you don’t think can be boiled down? Send it our way. We’d love to help you make a strong email performer out of it.

About Marketing Intent

We are a sales-focused marketing group specializing in alternative investments with a track record in marketing that helps drive sales. We live by the mantra, “nothing happens until something is sold.” Our marketing serves as the backbone of sales. Our work makes your prospects and clients take notice, ask questions and listen to your story. Learn how we can help create marketing that helps raise capital.


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