
Creating Content to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Are you overwhelmed with creating content for your firm? Does it seem like there’s never-ending demand for additional content from your marketing team?

In this article, we’ll discuss creating a content machine so you can stay ahead of the content curve.

Consider Your Target Audience

The number one rule for creating content is to consider your target audience. Make sure the content you’re developing is already in demand, even before you create it. The best way to do this is to think about what types of conversations you have with your clients. What questions do they ask?

If you are an asset manager, tap into your sales team to understand what objections they’re hearing and what types of information might be unclear to financial advisors and investors. Use those topics in your content.

Determine What Type of Content to Create

The format you choose for your content can be just as important as the content itself. If you have a complicated topic that’s just too hard to explain on paper, use video. If a topic is too long for a video, split it out into multiple flyers or even an email campaign. Regardless of the type of content you use, make sure it’s skimmable and that you’re supporting your topic with high-quality graphics.

The Machine Part of the Equation

Now comes the best part…the machine. When creating content, whether it’s a video, a report, or an email, always think about how you can parse that out into smaller pieces.

For example, a video can be split up into smaller videos to use on social media or within emails. You can take a flyer and divide it into social media graphics, or an email campaign.

Once you have that solid piece of content developed, consider ways to parse it out and use it more broadly so you get maximum mileage out of it.

We Help Clients with Content Daily

We’ve talked about creating a content machine based on:

  • Understanding what your target clients want to hear about
  • The formats they’re most receptive to
  • Parsing out your content to make it go further

At Marketing Intent, we help our clients with content daily.

If you need help, reach out to us, and we’d be happy to help you make you content go further.

Marketing Management Marketing Team

Marketing Teams Aren’t Immune to Inflation

Inflation – it’s all across our economy and affecting almost every part of our lives, including our marketing teams. If you’ve been searching for marketing candidates, you’ve probably noticed a demand for increased salaries, but you may not be getting qualified candidates applying for your positions or the hiring process is draining your team resources.

Let’s talk about how an outside marketing firm can help take work off your shoulders by tackling shorter and longer-range marketing projects.

The Sprint Project

The “sprint” marketing project is a short project where you might already have content developed and you just need it developed into an email, flier or a social media campaign. That’s where an outside marketing firm can step in quickly, especially one who knows your industry. They will help you push the project to the finish line.

The Half Marathon Project

Next, let’s talk about the “half marathon.” This is a project you may already have started and know it’s going to take some time to complete. You may need help with strategy, planning, writing or designing some deliverables. Again, an outside marketing firm can step in, accelerate the project and see it through to completion.

The Marathon Project

Then there’s the “marathon.” These projects can last multiple months. We often see these projects as the ones that firms have started, but don’t have the time to dedicate to them. An outside marketing firm can help you with planning, making sure everything stays on track over the months, as well as creating the deliverables. Examples of marathon projects are fund launches, series of videos, and automating email marketing.

Reallocating FTE Dollars to Outside Resources

Regardless of how in-depth your marketing project is, from that short sprint to a long marathon, taking the dollars you have earmarked for full-time employees (FTE) when you just can’t fill those roles, and dedicating them to an outside marketing resource can go a long way in helping you reach your marketing goals.

Contact Us to Fill in the Gaps

If you need help, as you’re looking to fill marketing roles and just aren’t finding the right candidates, reach out to us and we’d be happy to fill the gaps.


Three Reasons Why a Low Quality Website Hurts Your Business

Have you ever come across a company and visited their website only to be shocked by what you found?  Maybe you came across jargon, outdated information, or even typos. This is why it’s so important to make sure your website is of high quality.

In this article, we’ll cover three reasons a low-quality website hurts your business: credibility and trust, your innovation impression, and the customer experience.

Credibility and Trust

Let’s dig into credibility and trust. When someone visits your website and they find typos or outdated information or they don’t understand what you’re presenting, they get a negative impression. They may be thinking – is that how this person/company operates? Do they not tie up loose ends? Do they not pay attention to details? Are they a poor communicator?

That isn’t the impression you want to leave with prospective or current clients. Think about what you’re communicating when your website isn’t current, clear and accurate.


The second reason to have a high-quality website is your innovation impression. A high-quality website design immediately communicates innovation and creativity – whereas a poorly designed site communicates a lack thereof.

The “canned” websites that have become commonplace in the financial services industry also fall into the low innovation camp, using the same basic design as other firms and sometimes even the same or similar content.

You may be thinking – “Yeah, yeah, I know I’m not creative.” And a lot of people in the financial services industry do lean toward the analytical side, but we can still communicate and market in creative and innovative ways. This is particularly important for financial advisors who want to attract younger clients. They will be looking for the latest in website, technology and communication trends and how you’re appealing to them digitally.

The Customer Experience

Now let’s talk about the customer experience and what you’re actually asking someone to do when they come to your site. If they are visiting your site to find a particular piece of information about you or answer a question- and they have to dig around your site without success – you’ve created a negative impression and caused frustration.

If that visitor is a prospect, they are probably not going to pursue contacting you or working with you. You made it too hard for them and they will feel like you don’t have their interests/needs top of mind. It sounds basic, but people’s attention spans are limited when it comes to vetting a company or a person they are considering working with. They will move on very quickly if they don’t have a positive experience.

To recap, we’ve discussed:

  • The importance of a high-quality website
  • The damage a low-quality site can do to your credibility and trust
  • Your innovation impression
  • The customer experience for prospects and clients

Contact Us for Marketing Help

If you need any help improving your website, contact Marketing Intent. We’d be happy to help you stand out among your competitors.

Marketing Team

Why a Marketing Firm Can Help Bolster Your Marketing Team

Is your marketing team underwater? Have you been struggling to find quality candidates to fill positions?

An outside marketing firm can help bolster your marketing team in three key areas: strategy, execution, and training junior or new employees.

Strategy and the Planning Process

Let’s start with strategy. The strategy and planning process is the foundation of your marketing activities. We see our clients struggle with putting plans in place, having the time and energy to dedicate to developing their strategy and understanding how to effectively move forward.

In thinking about how an outside firm can help, a qualified marketing firm that’s familiar with your industry is going to be able to come in, look at what you’re doing and understand it quickly. They will get up to speed on what you offer, who you’re targeting, and identify ways to help you fill the gaps in your strategy.

Those gaps can either be the communication between sales and marketing – which is pretty common in our industry – gaps in your story, or even gaps in the materials that you are putting together to help educate advisors on your offerings. An outside marketing firm can help you develop a strategy to better tackle that communication.

Put a Plan in Place

Next, let’s talk about execution. A strategy is worthless unless there’s a plan in place to make it a reality. Once you have a strategy in place, a qualified marketing firm can manage all the pieces, moving tactical marketing and deliverables forward. They will ensure everything’s happening on time and in the correct sequence to make your marketing successful.

Training Junior and New Employees

Let’s talk about an area that a lot of people overlook as far as where a qualified marketing firm can be beneficial to your team – training junior or new employees. We all know in the financial services industry how complicated marketing is – SEC regulations, FINRA requirements, what compliance is looking for, how selling agreements work or the numerous audiences we’re targeting. An outside marketing firm can be key to helping new or junior employees understand the industry, shorten their learning curve, as well as build their confidence.

We’ve talked about how an outside marketing firm can help with strategy, making that strategy a reality through solid planning and project management, as well as help you educate junior or new employees on the financial services industry and how it works.


If you need any help with bolstering your marketing team, contact Marketing Intent. We’d be happy to help in any of these areas.