How to Laser Focus Your Conference Presentations 

You have 10 minutes to do a conference presentation, please do not take nine minutes and 35 seconds to get through your intro. What do we mean by that? It’s time to laser focus your presentations. Gone are the days of lengthy presentations that drone on and on. Today, it’s all about laser-focused, concise presentations that leave a lasting impact in a short amount of time. In this article, we’ll explore the art of creating abbreviated presentations that captivate your audience and ensure every minute counts. 

Creating Abbreviated Presentations 

In recent years, conferences have introduced shorter presentation slots—10 minutes, 15 minutes, or 20 minutes. This change has challenged asset managers to adapt their presentation styles. It’s no longer feasible to take a standard 40-slide presentation and rush through it, skipping over slides and failing to engage the audience due to time constraints. 

Rethink your approach to these shorter slots. Instead of trying to fit a long presentation into a tight timeframe, create a presentation that is tailored to the available time and leaves room for a Q&A session. Think of it as a “conference-friendly” version of your standard presentation. 

And to get out of crisis mode right before a conference, consider preparing these abbreviated presentations ahead of time. Anticipate the conferences and events you’ll attend throughout the year, and proactively create concise presentations. This approach ensures that you’re not scrambling at the last minute and submitting a presentation that doesn’t fit the allotted time. 

Practice Your Presentation 

While practice is a standard part of presentation preparation, it’s crucial to practice not just the content but also the timing. Conferences demand precise time management. The commonly recommended guideline is to spend around 20 seconds per slide. However, if you naturally take longer to discuss each point, that’s perfectly fine. Just ensure that your presentation aligns with your speaking pace and the allotted time. If you have a 10-minute presentation, tailor it to include the essential points within that time frame. 

Consider the Graphical Nature 

Remember, not every detail needs to be on every slide. Focus on conveying the key messages efficiently, and avoid cluttering slides with unnecessary information. The graphical nature of your presentation plays a vital role in capturing your audience’s attention.  

Some presentations overload slides with lengthy text that could be more effectively communicated through handouts – like terms of the offering. A slide filled with complex terms and fine print is often challenging for the audience to read from a distance – and is not usually compelling or memorable (in a good way). 

Instead, optimize the graphical elements of your presentation. If there’s a specific term or concept that truly differentiates your firm, transform it into a graphical representation that engages your audience. The goal is to create slides that hook the audience, leaving them curious and eager to continue the conversation later. 

In the world of conferences and presentations, brevity is the name of the game. The ability to deliver a concise, impactful presentation is a valuable skill that can set you apart in a crowded field. 

Need Help Boiling Your Presentations Down to Compelling Key Messages?  

If you’re interested in learning more about refining your presentations for conferences or short breakout sessions, reach out to Marketing Intent today. Our expertise can help you make every minute count and leave a memorable impression at your next event. 


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