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The Importance of Consistent Communication in Financial Advisor Relationships 

In the world of alternative investments, visibility is key. However, staying consistently in front of financial advisors is a challenge that many firms face, particularly during varying market cycles. Consistent communication is not just about keeping your firm top-of-mind; it’s about building trust and credibility with advisors who can influence their clients’ investment decisions. Here’s why consistent outreach matters and how you can maintain it effectively. 

The Pitfall of Sporadic Communication 

Consider a hypothetical company, “abc” Alt’s company, which only reaches out to advisors when the news is good. This sporadic communication strategy leads to two major problems: advisors forget about the firm during quieter periods, or worse, they may perceive the firm as unreliable or untrustworthy because they only share positive updates. In contrast, firms that engage regularly with advisors, regardless of market conditions or investment performance, are more likely to be remembered and trusted. 

The Value of Staying Consistent 

Continuous Presence 

  • Being consistent means more than just regular emails or updates. It involves a strategic, ongoing presence that keeps advisors informed about your firm’s activities, market views, and the performance of investments. This approach assures advisors that your firm is active and engaged, regardless of external conditions. 

Utilizing Effective Channels 

  • While there are multiple channels available, email remains a highly effective and cost-efficient tool for consistent communication. It allows for direct, personal, and informative interactions. Additionally, platforms like LinkedIn provide alternative investment sponsors with opportunities to engage with advisors in a professional context, sharing updates, insights, and news. 

Content Variety 

  • Consistent communication doesn’t mean every message needs to be about an offering. It’s about providing value through varied content. This can include updates on new acquisitions, market analysis, or educational content that helps advisors understand your strategy and the market better. 

Working with Compliance and Sales Teams 

  • To ensure that all communications are appropriate and effective, it’s crucial to work closely with your compliance team. They can help you develop a communication strategy that adheres to industry regulations. Additionally, your sales team plays a vital role. By regularly updating them with fresh materials and insights, they can keep conversations with advisors lively and informative, reinforcing your firm’s presence and reliability. 

Staying in front of financial advisors consistently is not just a marketing tactic; it’s a strategic approach that builds long-term relationships and trust. It ensures that in a sea of options, advisors remember your firm not only for the frequency of your communications but for the quality and reliability of the information you share. 

If you’re looking to enhance your firm’s communication strategy or need help planning how to maintain a consistent presence in front of advisors, reach out to Marketing Intent.

We understand the nuances of communication in the alternative investment space and can help you craft a plan that keeps your firm visible and trusted, no matter the market conditions. 


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