Tag: Marketing

AI is Only as Good as the Humans Behind It 

With the rise of AI, people think it can do everything. But it’s important to understand AI not as all-powerful, but rather as an effective tool influenced by its human operator. In this article, we’ll discuss how we pair AI with our expertise to further our clients’ marketing. 

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Third-Party Information is Invaluable  

Financial advisors love getting third-party information from asset managers. This is what we’ve been hearing in the field. Why? Read on for the many reasons third-party information can be a powerful tool for asset managers and how it helps financial advisors. 

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Do We Have the Capacity to Take on Your Next Project? 

Clients often ask how we know we have the capacity to take on one of their projects? The answer lies in project management. We’re dedicated to maintaining a high level of project management in both our systems and our personnel to understand our capacity, accurately estimate when we can deliver projects and so that we can provide our clients with high-quality deliverables. 

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Doing More of What Really Matters 

There’s a lot of marketing that’s done today simply because people think it should be done. But much of it doesn’t go to the end of raising capital for asset managers. Our approach is to take some of the principles from Greg McKeown’s book and apply them to our clients to help them focus on pursuing what really matters – which is raising capital. We review our clients’ marketing programs and plans to ensure they support their capital raising efforts and goals. 

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Why Hire a Marketing Firm for a 506(b)? 

Some firms offering 506(b) private placements wonder why they would hire a marketing firm. While a 506(b) can be very limited on how you can market the offering, there are a number of ways you can stay in front of financial advisors with compliant marketing, and market your firm and expertise.

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Man drinking coffee on laptop

Zero-Click Content

Gated content is a thing of the past. The newer trend in marketing? Zero-click content. It provides a better experience for your audience and builds trust in your brand. Read on to learn more about taking the leap into offering zero-click content.

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Hiring the Right Marketing Agency

Very few marketing firms truly understand alternative investments – the ins, the outs, the regulations, the different audiences. This can lead to genuine disappointment in finding the right marketing partner. However, alternative investments is exactly where Marketing Intent shines. We have deep experience in financial services marketing and specifically alternative investments to help you raise capital for your offerings. Read more about how Marketing Intent is the perfect match for asset managers.

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Uncover the Secrets to Winning Over Advisors

Wondering how to help your firm and offerings stand out positively? Our insights can help. Subscribe now and receive a copy of our report, “How Advisors Evaluate Sponsors on Marketing and Communications.” This report will help you learn what advisors look for when choosing alternative investment partners.

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