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"Who's Who Live" with Karl Eckerle

Personal branding and image expert, Karyl Eckerle talks live with Cherie Fournier, Founder and CEO of Marketing Intent about how personal image branding has solidified her credibility as a leading professional in financial services marketing.
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The Challenge of Finding the Right Marketing Talent for Alternative Investment Sponsors 

In the fast-paced and highly specialized field of alternative investments, finding the right marketing talent can be a formidable challenge. The unique demands of this sector require not only a deep understanding of marketing principles but also a robust knowledge of the alternative investment landscape. Here’s why securing the right marketing expertise is crucial for your firm and how a specialized marketing partner like Marketing Intent can bridge the talent gap.

Leveraging Case Studies to Showcase Your Firm’s Success 

Conveying the value and expertise of your firm can be a challenge. One of the most effective ways to illustrate your firm’s capabilities and successes is through well-crafted case studies. At Marketing Intent, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful these narratives can be, especially when communicating with financial advisors about your real estate offerings.

Rethinking Your Marketing Focus: It’s About Your Audience, Not Just Your Firm 

Is your marketing all about your firm? It shouldn’t be. We’ve noticed lately that marketing isn’t focused on the target audience, but rather on the firm creating it. It’s critical for marketing efforts to resonate deeply with financial advisors and investors, addressing their specific needs and concerns rather than merely showcasing the alts sponsor. Read on to learn how to get the “you” into your marketing to better engage with your audience.

Communicate Your “Why” 

Understanding and communicating the fundamental reasons behind your firm’s investment strategy—the “why”—is not just beneficial, it’s essential. This element of your marketing strategy goes beyond the what and the how, tapping into the core of your firm’s purpose and passion. Here’s how delving into the “why” can transform your marketing efforts and resonate more deeply with potential investors.

Strategic Marketing Planning for Your Next Fund Launch 

Launching a new fund in the alternative investment space is an exciting venture, but it can quickly become overwhelming without a solid marketing strategy in place. Often, firms rush to market without the necessary marketing groundwork, leading to a host of challenges that could have been avoided. Here’s a closer look at why comprehensive marketing planning is crucial and how it can dramatically improve your fund’s launch and ongoing success.

Why Custom Marketing Matters: Beyond the Template 

When marketing alternative investments, standing out from the crowd is not just about having good marketing materials. It’s about having marketing materials that tell your unique story in a compelling way. At Marketing Intent, we often encounter clients who wonder if quick, template-based solutions can suffice for their marketing needs. Our answer? No. Here’s why customized marketing materials are crucial and how we approach the creation of bespoke content that truly reflects the uniqueness of each client. 


Events & Conferences

The Challenge of Finding the Right Marketing Talent for Alternative Investment Sponsors 

In the fast-paced and highly specialized field of alternative investments, finding the right marketing talent can be a formidable challenge. The unique demands of this sector require not only a deep understanding of marketing principles but also a robust knowledge of the alternative investment landscape. Here’s why securing the right marketing expertise is crucial for your firm and how a specialized marketing partner like Marketing Intent can bridge the talent gap.

Leveraging Case Studies to Showcase Your Firm’s Success 

Conveying the value and expertise of your firm can be a challenge. One of the most effective ways to illustrate your firm’s capabilities and successes is through well-crafted case studies. At Marketing Intent, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful these narratives can be, especially when communicating with financial advisors about your real estate offerings.

Rethinking Your Marketing Focus: It’s About Your Audience, Not Just Your Firm 

Is your marketing all about your firm? It shouldn’t be. We’ve noticed lately that marketing isn’t focused on the target audience, but rather on the firm creating it. It’s critical for marketing efforts to resonate deeply with financial advisors and investors, addressing their specific needs and concerns rather than merely showcasing the alts sponsor. Read on to learn how to get the “you” into your marketing to better engage with your audience.

Communicate Your “Why” 

Understanding and communicating the fundamental reasons behind your firm’s investment strategy—the “why”—is not just beneficial, it’s essential. This element of your marketing strategy goes beyond the what and the how, tapping into the core of your firm’s purpose and passion. Here’s how delving into the “why” can transform your marketing efforts and resonate more deeply with potential investors.

Uncover the Secrets to Winning Over Advisors

Wondering how to help your firm and offerings stand out positively? Our insights can help. Subscribe now and receive a copy of our report, “How Advisors Evaluate Sponsors on Marketing and Communications.” This report will help you learn what advisors look for when choosing alternative investment partners.

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