Don’t Make Your Sales Team Write These Emails 

We’ve recently received some sales emails with subject lines like, “I know there’s a fine line between being persistent and being a pest,” or “Perhaps the timing is off,” or our personal favorite, “Quick Question.” Emails like this highlight a key fact about the companies sending them – they are letting their salespeople down. As marketers, our toolbox is teeming with resources to ensure our salespeople never have to resort to such tactics. Let’s delve into what you can do as a marketer so your sales team doesn’t have to write emails like the ones we received.  

Redefining Sales Emails with Valuable Content 

We need to acknowledge a simple truth: Salespeople aren’t writers. Their strength lies in fostering relationships and driving conversions, not crafting catchy email content. This is where we, as marketers, play a pivotal role. 

Imagine the difference in impact when an email provides insights, offers education or presents thought leadership materials – with a subject line that results in an open vs. an automatic delete. Why let salespeople stumble – and waste valuable capital raising time – developing their own email communications when marketing can do it for them?  

Supporting Sales: The Collaborative Approach 

The synergy between sales and marketing is essential for success. While marketing can deploy mass emails that resonate with financial advisors, the sales team can piggyback on these emails with a personalized follow-up. This layered approach ensures that every touchpoint adds value, steering clear of generic “I’m just following up” type emails. 

Additionally, marketing’s role is not just limited to crafting the perfect email. We can empower the sales team with an arsenal of targeted email templates, tailor-made for various scenarios and segments of the financial advisor audience. Be it sharing a new piece of thought leadership or pointing to an insightful article – we can equip our sales team with the tools to further engagement with advisors with every send. 

Elevating Beyond Generic Emails 

With a growing number of alternative investment asset managers, the challenge lies in piercing through with a differentiated message. Generic, untargeted emails are the first to be deleted. On the other hand, compelling and targeted messaging piques interest and drives engagement. By ensuring our sales teams don’t become email writers and masters of the copy/paste approach to email marketing, we not only elevate their success rate but also improve your firm’s brand and image. 

Need Assistance? We’ve Got You Covered 

If your sales team has been writing its own emails and feels it’s missing out on impactful content, we’re here to help. As specialists in alternative investment marketing, we understand the intricacies of the industry and can help you craft compelling emails that resonate with advisors to further engagement with your sales team. Contact us to learn more. 


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