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5 Ways to Make Your Website Advisor & Investor Friendly

What’s one of the first things you do when you’re considering giving a company your business? You check out their online presence, often starting with their website.

Financial advisors and investors are no different. They analyze the information you provide and the impression your website makes to form an opinion on your integrity, your experience and if they can trust you with their money and to deliver your stated investment objectives.

Like much of marketing in the financial services, alternative investments and commercial real estate space, it doesn’t require a long and costly marketing effort to improve your firm’s website to better speak to your target audience.

Start by focusing on these key areas:

  1. Explain what you do. Use straight-forward, jargon-free language so advisors and investors understand quickly and don’t have to Google investment topics to boil it down for themselves.
  2. Tell the story of your asset class/product. What everyday trend, product or lifestyle is at the foundation of your asset class or product? Focus on it for a memorable investment thesis.
  3. Describe the problems you solve for advisors and investors. Again, simple language is best. And describe the “how” of your solutions to differentiate from your competitors.
  4. Outline your track record. Whether your firm has a long history or you have a new fund, make sure your track record includes key points of experience and accomplishments from across the management team.
  5. Feature your management team. Humanize your brand by providing bios and photos of key members of your management team. A large part of why advisors and investors choose an investment and asset manager is due to its people.

Need help repositioning your website in a timely and cost-efficient way?

Contact us to set up a time to chat about how we can help.


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